Title: Protected ecological areas of Belgrade – significance, roles of perspective
Place: Museum of Applied Arts
Date: November 24, 2019
Time: 17: 30
Belgrade, some will think of a gray, concrete city. But Belgrade also has important corners,
protected areas that we have to take care of. With the tribune, we want to point out the
importance of preserving protected areas and find ways to “green” the city. We raise citizens
awareness of the importance of ecology for the quality of life.
The forum is organized by the Association DISCOURSE in cooperation with the Festival of
Photography VISUALIZER.
Title: Visual media literacy
Place: Steamship
Date: 1.12. 2019.
Time: 17: 30
Photography in the media is full of information, but also symbols. Media workers must teach
them to create, and viewers must-read. What does it mean to be a responsible media
photographer? It means understanding the rules of the visual message.
It is important to convey emotion to the observer, to inform him, to point out significant social
changes, indicative moments, unrepeatable, those that concern only one thing – a man, a media
consumer, whose view of the world depends on the lens.
Title: Rights-Camera: Visual Steps and Human Rights
Location: Pride info center
Date: 26.11.
Time: 17: 30
What is the impact of photography in the fight against stereotypes and stigmatization?
Contemporary Dutch photography opens the way for us to see the significance of photography
in contemporary social circumstances. The struggle for human rights – through art. Photography
provides this possibility. The artist, a guest from the Netherlands, will show us how art in the
Netherlands reached those groups that are not represented in the media. Activism through
photographic creation is a topic that has existed in the world for many years and is developing
shyly in Serbia. Documentary photography is the closest thing to a man. Thus, in this genre, the
everyday life of unusual people is the most represented – how did they find themselves in front
of the lens as advocates of freedom of choice?
Title: Route
Place: Museum of Applied Arts
Date: November 30, 2019
Time: 17: 30
Through a discussion of representatives of various professions, we unite the story of following
migrants on their way to "freedom", "better life" and "promised land".
The forum was inspired by a long-term project of a group of photographers who followed the
thorny path of migrants from Syria and thus pointed out their daily struggles. In search of food
and shelter, often hungry and sleepless, they clash not only with their surroundings but also with
themselves. How to help them find their place in the collage of different nations, religions, and
environments? Can cultural differences be reconciled and prejudices overcome? We are
discussing these still burning issues of today from a different angle on November 30 at the
Museum of Applied Arts.
Title: Who is Milun Mrvić?
Place: House Đ. Jakšić
Date: November 23, 2019
Time: 17:30
Digitization has given us a tremendous chance. The old photographic material appeared before
our eyes as if we had removed a layer of dust from an old photo album. Suddenly, HE is in front
of us – Milun Mrvić. A man, a witness, a photographer, an independent researcher of the time in
which he lived.
Photos from the Museum of the City of Skopje connect Skopje and Belgrade between the two
world wars. It was not an ordinary period in the lives of people from this area. Historical events,
left under a veil of secrecy, perhaps get a new epilogue with digitalization?